ABN-Oncology member banks and all other biobanks linked to the TSL are governed by their own Access/Management committees and the relevant Human Research Ethics Committee.
Biospecimens collected by linked banks and visible on the TSL are donated by participants who give consent for future use in research. No identifying information will be provided to researchers accessing biospecimens and appropriate Human Research Ethics approval must be obtained for each individual project. Applications for access to biospecimens must be approved by the relevant biobank management/access committee and the review process is specific to each site. The biobank managers will be very pleased to assist you with preparation of the application documents and should be approached via email as provided for each bank.
Queries About Legal / Ethical Issues Relevant to Tissue Banking
If you have queries or questions about the legal and ethical issues around biobanking, the following resources may be helpful:
- https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/research-policy/ethics/human-research-ethics-committees
- https://www.utas.edu.au/law-and-genetics/research-and-projects/biobanks
- https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/attachments/Biobanks-information-paper-2010.pdf